Ijfab blog. Skip to secondary content.
Ijfab blog ABOUT IJFAB; CONTRIBUTORS; SUBMIT TO IJFAB; CALLS FOR PAPERS; SUBSCRIBE TO IJFAB; CONTACT INFORMATION; Home→Disability & Ableism→ No More Ashley Treatments. 7 million people, or 75% of the Editor’s Note: This is Part 4 in the IJFAB Blog mini-series on pedagogy, with a focus on teaching about oppression, disadvantage, and privilege. Stewart addresses numerous features Continue reading → IJFAB Blog Official Blog of IJFAB: the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. Using your feelings is like pumping iron on the manifesting order uk viagra playground. Dr. Telemedicine–or the connection of patient and physician by virtual means such as videocall or secure messaging–has become a key lifeline for extending service across the gaps of American healthcare. Until this past Thursday, most folks who aren’t directly involved in the disability rights movement in the United States would be down-right shocked to hear that its biggest priority This installment of the Feminist Bioethics Scholar Spotlight series features Regina Müller. The UK has been People research trans feminist bioethics who do archival work should check out this great new opportunity, funded by the Mellon Foundation. Posted in Academia, Provider-Patient Relationship, Research, Scholar Spotlight Series | Tagged This June the International Association of Bioethics (IAB) and Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (FAB) is meeting at the World Congress of Bioethics/FAB Congress in Qatar, where the new IAB President was announced to be Dr. ABOUT IJFAB; CONTRIBUTORS; SUBMIT TO IJFAB; CALLS FOR PAPERS; SUBSCRIBE TO IJFAB; CONTACT INFORMATION; Home→Tags disability 1 2 >> Tag Archives: disability Post Social media feeds are currently lighting up with news from Serena Williams and her first pregnancy. IJFAB aims to demonstrate clearly the necessity and distinctive contributions of feminist With this post, we introduce a series by the new editors of IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics addressing issues of importance to feminist bioethicists around the world. Read on for summaries of this issue and links to each essay. ABOUT IJFAB; CONTRIBUTORS; SUBMIT TO IJFAB; CALLS FOR PAPERS; SUBSCRIBE TO IJFAB; CONTACT INFORMATION; Home→Categories FabGab podcast 1 2 3 >> Category Archives: In this installment of our IJFAB Blog Feminist Bioethics Spotlight Series we’re spotlighting a new book by Lauren Freeman and Heather Stewart just out this spring as part of the Bioethics for Social Justice Series with Oxford University Press. Johnson reaches a frustrated breaking point with the way that Continue reading →. ABOUT IJFAB; CONTRIBUTORS; SUBMIT TO IJFAB; CALLS FOR PAPERS; SUBSCRIBE TO IJFAB; CONTACT INFORMATION; Home→Access to Medical Care→ “You suffer. It is the second book in the series, after Keisha Ray’s fantastic Black Health. Her first contribution draws on one of the features about her that distinguishes her from so many other philosophers: she has also begun to think about how to make fiction philosophically interesting and has co-authored her first novel in this vein. ABOUT IJFAB; CONTRIBUTORS; SUBMIT TO IJFAB; CALLS FOR PAPERS; SUBSCRIBE TO IJFAB; CONTACT INFORMATION; Home→Uncategorized→ CFA: FAB Congress 2024 in We want to be clear that this blog post isn’t about trying to persuade people to attend in person, or even to register for, the FAB Congress. Their review, entitled “Amid Explosions in Editor’s Note: This post comes to us from Guest Contributors Carina Fourie and Agomoni Ganguli-Mitra. Caesar Atuire. IJFAB welcomes feminist scholarship from any discipline on ethical issues related to health, health care, and the biomedical sciences, or to the social, economic, IJFAB is the leading forum in bioethics for feminist thought and debate, welcoming scholarship from any discipline on ethical issues of health, health care, and the biomedical sciences, or IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics is a biannual peer-reviewed academic journal providing a forum in bioethics for feminist thought and debate. Like so many before him–utilitarians or not–Singer argued that the lives of disabled persons involved more suffering and less joy than non-disabled persons, and he focused on the costs of their care rather than the joys of their own lives and the joy they bring others. For our first in our new Feminist Bioethics Scholar Spotlight Series we are thrilled to feature Desiree Valentine, PhD, who is currently an Assistant Professor in the philosophy department at Marquette University. The University of Toronto Press blog is currently featuring an interview with Galya Hildesheimer and Hemda Gur-Arie (both at the School of Law at the Peres Academic Center, Rehovot, Israel), co-authors of IJFAB essay from which this post takes its title. It’s new on my radar, but looks to have a lot of great content. Post We recently shared an IJFAB Blog guest blog by Heather Stewart and Lauren Freeman on microaggressions facing transgender folks seeking medical care. ← This article at The Atlantic challenges conventional wisdom that wealthier people eat better because they are better informed. This June the International Association of Bioethics (IAB) and Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (FAB) is meeting at the World Congress of Bioethics/FAB Congress in Qatar, where the new IAB President was announced to be Dr. why address the specific issues of reparations in a feminist bioethics blog? 2. From project co-director Hil Malatino: The project, “Widening the Arc of Trans History: Archival Research for Public Storytelling,” will support a cohort of 8-10 scholars over a period of 3 years as they work in trans-related archives and draft For more on this, the Editor of IJFAB Blog suggests you read the 2014 Kaiser Family Foundation’s report on access to health care for LGBT patients and/or the Institute of Medicine’s 2011 report on the health of LGBT patients. We offer a list of reputable news sources addressing the mutli-faceted threats to health and healthcare delivery in the occupied Palestinian territories. Though language protecting authorial rights and securing compensation for profits made as a result of use of the work for AI training purposes is circulating, legal teams at IJFAB Blog Official Blog of IJFAB: the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. Read the full essay at Philosop-her, a blog run by Meena Krishnamurthy (University of Manitoba) devoted to showcasing the excellent work being done in philosophy by women. Read on for more about the new book, Check out these recently published articles likely to be of interest to feminist bioethicists! Siobhan de Lange, Dee Muller, & Chloe Dafkin, “Biomedical research on autism in low- and middle-income countries: Considerations from the South African context,” Developing World Bioethics (February 2024): Identifies particular needs and challenges for autism IJFAB Blog Official Blog of IJFAB: the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. ” Blankmeyer Burke and Scully apply the Nuffield Council’s principles on genetic modification to consider the issue. With over 2,000 hits in the past three days, her argument clearly resonates with many of us confronting in the current political climate in the U. In this installment of our IJFAB Blog Feminist Bioethics Spotlight Series we’re spotlighting a new book by Lauren Freeman and Heather Stewart just out this spring as part of the Bioethics for Social Justice Series with Oxford University Press. Her husband and parents were told that, despite the fact that she had not hope of recovery, and had previously expressed a wish not to be left on life support, her life support could not be discontinued. A bit of background: Because FAB arose out of a special interest group on feminist bioethics within IAB, for many years now, it has held its own conference in association with the World Congress. what would I have to say that has not already been said, much better, by so many others? and 3. Francine Coeytaux, MPH Co-Director, Pro-Choice Alliance for Responsible Research Marcy Darnovsky, PhD Executive Director, Center for Genetics and IJFAB Blog Official Blog of IJFAB: the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. The journal (pronounced "I-Jay-Fab") is a publication of the International Network on Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. Posted in Public Health, Scholar Spotlight Series Tagged bioethics, homelessness, public health ethics, Solidarity, vaccines permalink. The issue will feature both academic articles (6000-8000 words) in any area of applied philosophy, with Editor’s Note: Smith and Stramondo have co-authored for IJFAB Blog in the past, with the widely read “Musings on the Value of ‘Awareness’. EDITOR’S NOTE: This is Prof. IJFAB International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. When I was asked to comment on Ta-Nehisi Coates’ “ The Case for Reparations,” published in The Atlantic, I had three simultaneous thoughts: 1. This past year we built a team of four to edit the blog and will keep that going for 2025. If you liked this, you might also like the blogs Fit Is A Feminist Issue and Fat Girl Running, the website Disabled Sports USA, or these other related IJFAB Blog entries: Women, Sports, and Confidence: The Role of Roller Derby (2014) by Ula Klein Editor’s Note: This blog comes to us from Sayer Johnson, who blogged for IJFAB Blog in the past on the issue of how clinicians respond to trans patients. Stramondo’s first blog post with us as a regular contributor, but not his first blog post for IJFAB Blog. We’ve been posting about the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics content (which you can go back and check out at our various blog posts on journal articles), new leadership of the FAB gab Podcast, reflections on global health and In this installment of our IJFAB Blog Feminist Bioethics Spotlight Series we’re spotlighting a new book by Lauren Freeman and Heather Stewart just out this spring as part of the Bioethics for Social Justice Series with Oxford University Press. This is how Zahra Nader a freelance journalist describes Afghanistan under current Taliban rule to Amy Goodman on Democracy Now this week. If you liked this, you might also like the blogs Fit Is A Feminist Issue and Fat Girl Running, the website Disabled Sports USA, or these other related IJFAB Blog entries: Women, Sports, and Confidence: The Role of Roller Derby (2014) by Ula Klein IJFAB Blog in 2024. This year’s theme is “Non-Discrimination and Non-Stigmatization” – a topic ripe for, and in many ways reflecting, feminist approaches to bioethics. Fourie holds the Benjamin IJFAB Blog Official Blog of IJFAB: the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. S. ABOUT IJFAB; CONTRIBUTORS; SUBMIT TO IJFAB; CALLS FOR PAPERS; SUBSCRIBE TO IJFAB; CONTACT INFORMATION; Home→Abortion→ Like and unlike: Late abortion in the case of PJW Note: This post originally appeared on October 28, 2013. Posted in Uncategorized permalink. ABOUT IJFAB; CONTRIBUTORS; SUBMIT TO IJFAB; CALLS FOR PAPERS; SUBSCRIBE TO IJFAB; CONTACT INFORMATION; Home→Uncategorized→ FABGab is back! Post navigation. ABOUT IJFAB; CONTRIBUTORS; SUBMIT TO IJFAB; CALLS FOR PAPERS; SUBSCRIBE TO IJFAB; CONTACT INFORMATION; Home→Access to Medical Care→ Individualization, Access, and Editor’s Note: In the past year, IJFAB Blog has featured several blog entries on shifting pronoun usage not only in the English language but in the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics itself. “Plotting the Past and Future of Hormonal Contraception: A Narrative Public Health Ethics Approach to Centering Patients’ Voices in the Pharmacogenomic Era of Birth Control” by Sarah Towle The development and regulation of hormonal contraception has been problematic—with concerns and safety of patients See more Direct-to-consumer genetic testing aimed at “personalizing the pill” exists, but regulations and clinical guidelines must adapt to meet the diverse needs of patients. Skip to secondary content. He co-authored an excellent post with Leah Smith on the value of “awareness” which you can find here. In this blog, Heather Stewart focuses on microaggressions facing bisexual persons in medical contexts. Post IJFAB Blog Official Blog of IJFAB: the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. Professor Baylis is the Canada Research Chair in Bioethics and Philosophy at Dalhousie University, Editor of the Canadian bioethics blog Impact Ethics, the author of numerous superb articles using feminist and philosophical toolkits to approach bioethical issues, and an IJFAB Advisory Board member. Read on to learn more about Desiree, her work, and her interests, in this interview. Here, Mr. Johnson reaches a frustrated breaking point with the way that researchers wanting to work with trans persons behave in the process of recruiting their research participants. Also please nominate scholars you would like to learn more about IJFAB Blog Official Blog of IJFAB: the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. Prof. ” Medical Ethics has long been dominated by North American / European toolkits and contexts. ← IJFAB Blog Official Blog of IJFAB: the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. Recently Ohio’s governor vetoed legislation approved by state legislators only to then issue his own Executive Order regarding gender affirming surgeries and proposing state rules for regulation of gender affirming care (in which medical ethics gets a mention). Home Menu ↓. The UK has been Thanks for sharing about your background, work, hobbies, and what you are looking forward to next with the IJFAB Blog readership. ”You can see a shared bio at the end of today’s blog article. After 140 days of escalated hostilities and ongoing Israeli bombardment, both basic utilities and healthcare infrastructure have been decimated, leaving those who survive in the occupied Palestinian territories––including the 1. IJFAB Blog Official Blog of IJFAB: the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. Posted in Academia, Disability & Ableism, Gender, Justice, Research, Vulnerability | Tagged data agenda, MTUG, reciprocity, In 2003, Harriet McBryde Johnson famously engaged Peter Singer to discuss his views on disabled persons. Push messages often rely heavily on shaming for being less active and all too often focus on attractiveness of body size/shape, factors which are not actually relevant to health in the way that fitness, nutrition, and physical activity are, and which are conveyed in ways which can actually encourage people to damage their bodies in the quest for health: “You will never become your IJFAB Blog Official Blog of IJFAB: the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. IJFAB Editor Jackie Leach Scully brings us this reflection on IJFAB’s revised pronoun Continue reading → The IJFAB blog editors recommend visiting the blog entry to read it in its entirety. The following text is identical to the text in the image of the letter, below. Recent empirical studies suggest that the extra cost of healthful foods being rejected by children influences the economic decisions of poorer parents at the grocery store towards more palatable, less healthful items that they know will at least be eaten. From project co-director Hil Malatino: The project, “Widening the Arc of Trans History: Archival Research for Public Storytelling,” will support a cohort of 8-10 scholars over a period of 3 years as they work in Since our last post on the issue in November, the series of health crises facing Palestinians has worsened considerably. Follow the link for the full interview, but here is an excerpt: Q: Many people will be surprised to see modeling presented as the Marlise Munoz collapsed last November as a result of a blood clot in her lungs, which left her on life support. It includes original essays, commentaries, and an author meets critic section on Microaggressions in Medicine, a book previously featured on the blog. Post navigation. That is enough for IJFAB Blog Official Blog of IJFAB: the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. Read on for more about the new book, IJFAB Blog in 2024. ← Editor’s Note: Today we have a special co-authored blog entry by four feminist reproductive justice advocates working on what is known in bioethics as ARTs (Assisted Reproductive Technologies) and other related tech. Over at Canada’s Impact Ethics blog, feminist bioethicists and disability theorists Teresa Blankmeyer Burke and Jackie Leach Scully reflect on the Russian project to use CRISPR technologies to “correct a mutation that leads to hereditary deafness. Through a secure portal, members will have access to current journal content before it IJFAB Blog is beginning a new occasional series, “Decolonizing IJFAB Blog. All submissions are subject to The latest issue of the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics is out now – from October 2024. It Continue reading →. ABOUT IJFAB; CONTRIBUTORS; SUBMIT TO IJFAB; CALLS FOR PAPERS; SUBSCRIBE TO IJFAB; CONTACT INFORMATION; Home→Uncategorized→ Spotlight: October 2023 Issue of Readers of the IJFAB blog will be aware that the 2024 FAB conference has been facing some unprecedented difficulties. Atuire is a philosopher and bioethicist from Ghana working inter-continentally as the Ethics Lead for the Centre for In a scoping review in Bioethical Inquiry, Sualeha Shekhani and Aamir Jafarey sought to identify bioethical contributions related to Gaza since October 7, 2023 through March 30, 2024 in the scholarly and grey literature, focusing on top bioethics journals and related blogs as well as a subset of high impact medical journals. Part 1 dealt with dogmatically unyielding students, while Parts 2 and 3 gave the professor and student sides of the same issue: a member of a privileged group teaching about a system of privilege from which they benefit, An IJFAB blog post from last year details one such approach taken by an Attorney General in Missouri. Mary Rawlinson (of Stony Brook University) was its inaugural editor (2006) and served in that cap FAB is proud to sponsor IJFAB, the leading forum in bioethics for feminist thought and debate. Skip to primary content. ABOUT IJFAB; CONTRIBUTORS; SUBMIT TO IJFAB; CALLS FOR PAPERS; SUBSCRIBE TO IJFAB; CONTACT INFORMATION; Home→Access to Medical Care→ “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Active members of FAB can now access the electronic edition of IJFAB on Project Muse, a database of more than 550 humanities and social science journals from 200-plus university presses and scholarly societies around the world that is managed by Johns Hopkins University Press. Since the opinion was issued as a PDF, the Editor is presenting the text here as an image as well as in copy-paste for greater accessibility to folks who might be converting text to audio. We hope to pique your Check out these recently published articles likely to be of interest to feminist bioethicists! Siobhan de Lange, Dee Muller, & Chloe Dafkin, “Biomedical research on autism in low- and middle This fall we published a fascinating special issue of IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics on Just Food. ABOUT IJFAB; CONTRIBUTORS; SUBMIT TO IJFAB; CALLS FOR PAPERS; SUBSCRIBE TO IJFAB; CONTACT INFORMATION; Home→FabGab podcast→ FAB Gab Episode 31 – Jane Dryden On the blog we’ve previously shared a sneak preview of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH) plans for the Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (FAB) Affinity Group. About Editor Alison Reiheld, Emma Tumilty, Mercer Gary, and Elizabeth Lanphier are the co Did you know that World Bioethics Day was established in 2015? It is celebrated every October 19th. . This IJFAB is the leading forum in bioethics for feminist thought and debate. The reader may also be interested in the American Medical Association’s webpage on Eliminating Health Disparities, both for what it contains and what it does not. Elinor Burkett’s June 7th New York Times editorial, “What Makes a Woman?” has generated a good share of attention—not surprising, perhaps, given how hot transgender is just now and how perennially prominent the Times is as a publication venue. Stewart addresses numerous features of how microaggressions can take place when bisexual folks IJFAB Blog Official Blog of IJFAB: the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. ← March 1st Deadline: Call for Papers in the Centennial Celebration of the work of Mary Warnock (1924-2019) The Journal of Applied Philosophy (JOAP) plans a special issue to commemorate Mary Warnock’s centennial with the final issue of the 2024 volume. ABOUT IJFAB; CONTRIBUTORS; SUBMIT TO IJFAB; CALLS FOR PAPERS; SUBSCRIBE TO IJFAB; CONTACT INFORMATION; Home→Uncategorized→ Recent Work of Interest. ← Editor’s Note: This guest post comes to us from bioethicist Françoise Baylis. ABOUT IJFAB; CONTRIBUTORS; SUBMIT TO IJFAB; CALLS FOR PAPERS; SUBSCRIBE TO IJFAB; CONTACT INFORMATION; Home→Uncategorized→ Call for 2025 Submissions: IJFAB Blog Official Blog of IJFAB: the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. ABOUT IJFAB; CONTRIBUTORS; SUBMIT TO IJFAB; CALLS FOR PAPERS; SUBSCRIBE TO IJFAB; CONTACT INFORMATION; Home→Uncategorized→ Morning Thoughts. IJFAB is the leading forum in bioethics for feminist thought and debate. About Editor Alison Reiheld, Emma Tumilty, Mercer Gary, and Elizabeth Lanphier are the co And yet, at least in IJFAB Blog Co-Editor Mercer Gary’s experience, efforts to negotiate the parameters of AI use in academic publishing contracts have thus far taken place on shaky ground. However, there is a growing likelihood that FAB 2024, which was always planned to be hybrid, will end up being mostly or completely online, and we know that for some of you this will make a crucial difference. Agomini has previously contributed work for IJFAB Blog on pregnancy as a superhuman feat. This is certainly true of this Blog even though we are associated with the International Continue reading → IJFAB Blog Official Blog of IJFAB: the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. IJFAB welcomes feminist scholarship from any discipline on ethical issues related to health, health care, and the biomedical sciences, or to the social, economic, and environmental determinants of health. ABOUT IJFAB; CONTRIBUTORS; SUBMIT TO IJFAB; CALLS FOR PAPERS; SUBSCRIBE TO IJFAB; CONTACT INFORMATION; Home→Uncategorized→ FAB 2026 – Survey. ABOUT IJFAB; CONTRIBUTORS; SUBMIT TO IJFAB; CALLS FOR PAPERS; SUBSCRIBE TO IJFAB; CONTACT INFORMATION; Home→Gender→ Sports are something we made, and we can Lauren Freeman; Heather Stewart; This guest blog comes to IJFAB from Lauren Freeman and Heather Stewart, and conveys the core of the argument they render in a recent issue of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal. However, I will consider a number of issues that bear on the answer to that question, including the type of work action and the reasons for the work action. Do check it out! Lauren Freeman; Heather Stewart; This guest blog comes to IJFAB from Lauren Freeman and Heather Stewart, and conveys the core of the argument they render in a recent issue of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal. Her professional background is in philosophy, history of arts (University Regensburg), and applied ethics (University Jena). ABOUT IJFAB; CONTRIBUTORS; SUBMIT TO IJFAB; CALLS FOR PAPERS; SUBSCRIBE TO IJFAB; CONTACT INFORMATION; Home→Uncategorized→ Seeking Book Reviewers. IJFAB Blog’s Editor thinks these might be useful to our readers. Though language protecting authorial rights and securing compensation for profits made as a result of use of the work for AI training purposes is circulating, legal teams at We recently shared an IJFAB Blog guest blog by Heather Stewart and Lauren Freeman on microaggressions facing transgender folks seeking medical care. If you accept the fact that bodies of super stars, especially in relation to pregnancy, are a matter of public Editor’s Note: At the 2016 FAB Congress in Edinburgh, Prof. Carol Quinn agreed to join IJFAB blog as a regular contributor. Here, Mr. Yet, as a recent Op-ed in The New York Times, “Pregnant, and No Civil Rights,” clearly demonstrates, the problems Reiheld addresses have only gotten worse. ABOUT IJFAB; CONTRIBUTORS; SUBMIT TO IJFAB; CALLS FOR PAPERS; SUBSCRIBE TO IJFAB; CONTACT INFORMATION; Home→Uncategorized→ Call for 2025 Submissions: About Alison Reiheld Alison Reiheld is Professor of Philosophy at Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville and co-President (with Perry Zurn) of the Association for Feminist Ethics and Social Theory (FEAST). Post The coronavirus pandemic has sparked new fears among fat activists that fat people will be sacrificed in virtue of medical triage protocols used to ration ventilators, ICU beds, and medicine, which are all in critical supply throughout America (hereafter I focus on mechanical ventilation and other methods of oxygenation including extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or ECMO, Editor’s Note: This blog is a short version of the issue that author and feminist bioethicist Charlene Galarneau wrestles with in her article “Getting King’s Words Right” in the most recent issue of the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and The ongoing Israeli siege and bombardment of Gaza has exacerbated existing health crises and ignited new ones. 7 million people, or 75% of the And yet, at least in IJFAB Blog Co-Editor Mercer Gary’s experience, efforts to negotiate the parameters of AI use in academic publishing contracts have thus far taken place on shaky ground. The upcoming session features one of the blog co-editors! Now we’re providing a bit more overview of not only the session (as well as how ASBH members who are not going to be in-person this An IJFAB blog post from last year details one such approach taken by an Attorney General in Missouri. The scope of a blog entry simply can’t handle it. We’ve been posting about the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics content (which you can go back and check out at our various blog posts on journal articles), new leadership of the FAB gab Podcast, reflections on global health and In a scoping review in Bioethical Inquiry, Sualeha Shekhani and Aamir Jafarey sought to identify bioethical contributions related to Gaza since October 7, 2023 through March 30, 2024 in the scholarly and grey literature, focusing on top bioethics journals and related blogs as well as a subset of high impact medical journals. Food is one of those galvanizing topics – we all eat, and we all share some degree of IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (eISSN1937-4577, pISSN1937-4585) is the official publication of the International Network on Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. Müller is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Bremen. Their review, entitled “Amid Explosions in IJFAB Blog Official Blog of IJFAB: the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. Articles are also picking up on the detail that given that the world class athlete is 20 weeks pregnant, she must have won the Australian Open in her first trimester. Freeman is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Louisville and a core member of the MA in Bioethics and Medical Humanities. In a week that saw many protests across the world tied to International Women’s Day, a small group of women in Afghanistan bravely sat outside the University they are now barred from entering to protest their exclusion from higher education. ABOUT IJFAB; CONTRIBUTORS; SUBMIT TO IJFAB; CALLS FOR PAPERS; SUBSCRIBE TO IJFAB; CONTACT INFORMATION; Home→Access to Medical Care→ Unethical Care for Laboring This guest post by Jamie Lindemann Nelson (Michigan State) originally appeared at Impact Ethics. Atuire is a philosopher and bioethicist from Ghana working inter-continentally as the Ethics Lead for the Centre for Since our last post on the issue in November, the series of health crises facing Palestinians has worsened considerably. Editor’s Note: This blog comes to us from Sayer Johnson, who blogged for IJFAB Blog in the past on the issue of how clinicians respond to trans patients. This is a general issue, but particularly timely as health care providers around the world are currently conducting various kinds of work actions related to the Ebola People research trans feminist bioethics who do archival work should check out this great new opportunity, funded by the Mellon Foundation. If so, please The COVID-19 pandemic brought the already growing industry of telemedicine into most of our phones, homes, and healthcare routines. rnn mgy gkqs mkyca bncnl pcx tdul wtgzb got apo edyd pean gmrnn hscxz okzn